TUESDAY 'October 5, 2010
Color Liturgical GREEN 3^ Settimana del Salterio
Saint of the Day: Santa Maria Faustina Kowalska, Virgin
Glogowiec, Poland, August 25, 1905 - Krakow, Poland, October 5, 1938
A nun who speaks of God's mercy and our duty to "use mercy." Where's the news? Under Mercy was born of a large number of communities, institutions, groups, at all times. Yes, but Sister Faustina Kowalska, under this sign, creates a great spiritual movement right between the two less compassionate moments in history: the world wars.
Born in a Polish village and christened with the name of Helen, is the third of 10 children of Marianna and Stanislaw Kowalski. Who are poor farmers in Poland is divided between the empires of Russian, German and Austrian. She is three years of school, then go to service. Already thought to be a nun as a child, but only carries out the project in August 1925: Warsaw - now the capital of independent Poland - enters the community of Our Lady of Mercy taking the names of Mary Faustina. It is the cook, the gardener, the caretaker, then moved to various homes of the congregation (including those of Warsaw, Vilnius and Krakow). But at the same time is receiving visions and revelations that his confessor suggest to write in a diary (later translated and published in many languages). And yet he does not believe that these extraordinary events are a mark of holiness. You write that the perfection of the soul comes through the intimate union with God, but by "thank you, revelations, ecstasies." These vehicles are quite divine invitation to her, because drawing attention to what was already said, that the texts of Scripture that speak of God's mercy and because stimuli among believers trust in the Lord (expressed by the formula: Jesus, I trust in you) and willingness to get personally merciful. He died at 33 in Krakow. She was beatified in 1993, is proclaimed a saint in 2000 by Pope John Paul II.
Born in a Polish village and christened with the name of Helen, is the third of 10 children of Marianna and Stanislaw Kowalski. Who are poor farmers in Poland is divided between the empires of Russian, German and Austrian. She is three years of school, then go to service. Already thought to be a nun as a child, but only carries out the project in August 1925: Warsaw - now the capital of independent Poland - enters the community of Our Lady of Mercy taking the names of Mary Faustina. It is the cook, the gardener, the caretaker, then moved to various homes of the congregation (including those of Warsaw, Vilnius and Krakow). But at the same time is receiving visions and revelations that his confessor suggest to write in a diary (later translated and published in many languages). And yet he does not believe that these extraordinary events are a mark of holiness. You write that the perfection of the soul comes through the intimate union with God, but by "thank you, revelations, ecstasies." These vehicles are quite divine invitation to her, because drawing attention to what was already said, that the texts of Scripture that speak of God's mercy and because stimuli among believers trust in the Lord (expressed by the formula: Jesus, I trust in you) and willingness to get personally merciful. He died at 33 in Krakow. She was beatified in 1993, is proclaimed a saint in 2000 by Pope John Paul II.
The relics are located in Krakow-Lagiewniki, in the sanctuary of Divine Mercy.
Etymology: Faustina (like Faust) = auspicious, favorable, from the Latin
Martyrology: Krakow in Poland, santa Maria Faustina (Helena) Kowalska, Virgin of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, who worked hard to make the mystery of divine mercy.
From Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska
Mercy infinite in my life
(quad. 1 / 1)
February 22 1931.
the evening, I was in my cell, I saw the Lord Jesus clothed in a white robe, a hand raised in blessing, while the other was touching his chest the garment, slightly drawn aside at which there two large rays, one red and the other pale. Silence I kept my eyes fixed on the Lord, my soul was struck with awe, but also with great joy. After a while, Jesus said, "Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: Jesus I trust in you ! desire that this image be venerated first in your chapel and then throughout the world. I promise that the soul that will venerate this not perish. I also promise already on this earth, especially at the hour of death, victory over enemies. I myself will defend it as My own glory. " When I talked to the priest, I received this response: "This is about your soul." I said this: "Paint the divine image in your soul." When I left the confessional, I heard these words again: "My image is already in your soul. I desire that there be a Feast of Mercy. I want the image to paint with a brush, to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, this Sunday should be the Feast of Mercy. I desire that priests proclaim My great mercy for the souls of sinners. The sinner should not be afraid to approach Me . "The flames of mercy I eat, I will pour upon the souls of men." Then Jesus complained to me saying "The distrust of souls I rending the entrails. It pains me even more distrust of souls. Despite my endless love do not have confidence in me even my death was enough for them. Woe to souls who abuse it! '. When I told the Mother Superior that God wanted this from me, the M. Superior told me that Jesus would recognize it more clearly with some signs. When I asked Jesus to give some indication demonstrating that "this is really you, God and My Lord, that You are such requests," I heard this voice in my heart: "I'll know by the superior will give thanks that through using this image" . When I wanted to break free from these interior inspirations, God told me that on Judgement Day I would ask on behalf of a large number of souls. Once I felt terribly tired of the many difficulties that I had for the fact that Jesus spoke to me and demanded that the image was painted, I decided to myself firmly Andrasz to ask the Father, before the vows, to dissolve those inspirations from the interior and paint that picture. Heard the confession, Father Andrasz gave me this response: "I do not melt from nothing, sister, and is not allowed to escape these inner inspiration, but absolutely must speak of all the confessor in any way, otherwise go astray despite this great grace of the Lord. She confesses to me at the moment, but we know that must have a permanent confessor, that is a spiritual director. " As I was greatly mortified. I thought I could break free from everything, and instead had the opposite occurred: I now had the explicit order to obey the request of Jesus again the torment of not having a permanent confessor. And if for some time, I confess to someone, I can not reveal my soul for the graces. I suffer tremendously. I pray Jesus to give them thanks to someone else, because I do not know how to use and waste only. "Jesus, have mercy on me. Do not rely on such big things. See now that a handful of dust are good for nothing. " However, the goodness of Jesus is infinite. He promised help visible on the ground and I received it after a short time in Wilno. I recognized Don Sopocko that help divine. I had known before arriving in Wilno, thanks to an inner vision. One day I saw him in our chapel from the altar and the confessional. I suddenly heard a voice in my heart: "is the visible help for you on land. He will help you carry out My will on earth. " Once I was tired of these uncertainties, I asked Jesus: "Jesus, You are my God or are you a ghost? Superiors are in fact tell me that Captain illusions and ghosts of various kinds. If you are my Lord, I beg you to bless me. " Then Jesus made a great sign of the cross over me and I I scored. When I asked for forgiveness from Jesus that question, Jesus told me that with that question I had not brought any regrets and the Lord told me that he liked my confidence a lot.
Signore pietà,
Cristo pietà,
Signore pietà,
Cristo, ascoltaci,
Cristo, esaudiscici
Padre celeste, Dio have mercy on us.
Son, Redeemer of the world, God abbi pietà di noi .
Spirito Santo, Dio have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God abbi pietà di noi .
Santa Maria pray for us.
Saint Faustina, a living witness of the heavenly Father's mercy ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, a humble servant of Jesus, Mercy Incarnate pray for us.
Saint Faustina, obedient instrument Spirit Comforter ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, the daughter of the Mother of Mercy confident pray for us.
Saint Faustina, confidant of the message on the mercy ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, secretary of the true words of Jesus Merciful pray for us.
Saint Faustina, the great apostle of Divine Mercy ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, a dispenser of God's merciful pray for us.
Saint Faustina, a gift to the world pray for us.
Saint Faustina, who delve into the goodness of every creature in pray for us.
Saint Faustina, a worshiper of God in the mystery of the Incarnation ; pray for us.
Santa Faustina, participant in the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord pray for us .
Saint Faustina, driving on the road of the cross of Jesus ; ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, meeting Jesus in the sacraments pray for us.
Saint Faustina, combined with the Divine Bridegroom in his soul ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, illuminated by the mercies of God in the life of Mary pray for us.
Saint Faustina, a lover of the Mystical Body of Christ Church ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, real strong faith ; ; ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, constant in hope adamant ; ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, burning with love pray for us.
Saint Faustina, humility real nice pray for us.
Saint Faustina, a simple childlike trust in ; ; ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, an example of fulfilling God's will pray for us.
Saint Faustina, as sacrificial service pray for us.
Saint Faustina, loving protector of the souls of priests and religious pray for us.
Saint Faustina, defender of children and young people from harm pray for us.
Saint Faustina, the lost hope and despair pray for us.
Saint Faustina, reinforcement of the sick and the suffering pray for us.
Saint Faustina, sacrificing for sinners ; ; ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, animator of confidence in the hearts of dying ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, worried for the salvation of all men ; pray for us.
Saint Faustina, the patron of the suffering in purgatory pray for us.
Saint Faustina, imploring God's mercy for the world ; pray for us.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, Lord
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, Lord
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us
Pray for us, Saint Faustina, so that by the life and words proclaim to the world the message of mercy.
Merciful God, accept our thanks for the gift of life and mission of Saint Faustina and her intercession help us to grow attitude of trust towards you and mercy towards others. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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