Thursday, September 30, 2010

Great Facial Compilation

Pie ...


Tomorrow Friday, 1 October, will start the pious practice of the first nine Friday of each month. This practice has great spiritual value for people who comply with the true faith. The Sacred Heart of Jesus has given many promises to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that invariably, we are certain will be answered.
Below you will find the history of this beautiful practice and all the necessary explanations ... who felt in the heart of wanting to start (and complete) this beautiful engagement with the Lord must not do is go to confession, communion and pray a lot ...!
do it once a month ... No I think we can weigh that much ... because they remember the Lord always has time for us ... we are that we have always too little ... for him!
Then good way for those who already know you want to start this practice ... and good life to those who do not even read this post ...!

Yours, Anto;)

famous revelations in Paray le Monial, the Lord said to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that knowledge and the love of her heart spread throughout the world as divine flame, to rekindle the love that languished in the hearts of many.
Once the Lord, showing the heart and complaining about the ingratitude of men, asked that repairs to attend Holy Communion, especially in the First Friday of every month.
Spirit of love and reparation , here is the soul of the Communion monthly : of love that seeks to reciprocate the ineffable love of the Divine Heart towards us; reparation for the coldness, ingratitude, contempt with which men repay much love.
Many souls embrace this practice of Holy Communion on the First Friday of the month due to the fact that among the promises that Jesus made to St. Margaret Mary, there is one with which he ensured the final penitence (the salvation of the soul) who for nine consecutive months in First Friday, had united with him in Holy Communion .
But it would be much better to take the Holy Communion on the first Friday of every month of our existence?
We all know that, along with groups of ardent souls who have realized the treasure hidden in Holy Communion weekly, and, better yet, on that day, there is a countless number of people rarely during the year or only at Easter, we remember that there is a bread of life, even for their souls, regardless of how many even feel the need to Easter of heavenly nourishment.
Holy Communion is a good monthly rate for participation of the divine mysteries . The advantage and taste that it portrays the soul, perhaps induce gently decrease the distance between a meeting and the other with the Divine Master, even up to the daily communion, as the ardent desire of the Lord and the Holy Church.
But this monthly meeting should be preceded, accompanied and followed by the sincerity of the provisions that the soul will come out really refreshed.
The surest sign of the fruit produced will be the finding of improvement progress of our conduct, that is, the greater the similarity of our heart to the Heart of Jesus, through loving and faithful observance of the Ten Commandments.
" Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life" (John 6:54).

LE PROMISES OF OUR LORD for devotees of his Sacred Heart

blessed Jesus, appearing in S. Margaret Mary Alacoque and showing his heart, shining like the sun in most splendid light, made the following promises to his devotees:
1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state
2. and I will cherish peace in their families
3. console them in all their troubles
4. I will be their secure refuge during life and at death
5. will pour abundant blessings on all their business
6. Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy
7. Tepid souls were keen
8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection
9. My blessing will rest on the houses where it will also set up and honored the image of My Heart
10. I will give to priests the grace of touching the most hardened hearts
11. Persons who propagate this devotion, will have their names written in My Heart and will not ever be erased.
12. To all those who, for nine consecutive months, communicate on the first Friday of every month, I promise the grace of final perseverance: they will not die in my disgrace, but receive the Holy Sacraments (if needed) and my Heart will be their safe refuge in that extreme moment .
Twelfth promise is called "great" because it reveals the divine mercy of the Sacred Heart to humanity.
These promises made by Jesus have been authenticated by the Church, so that every Christian may believe with certainty that the faithfulness of the Lord wants to save everyone, even the sinners.

to make themselves worthy of great promise and need:

1. to receive Communion. Communion should be done well, that is in the grace of God, so if you are in mortal sin, one must first confess.
2. For nine consecutive months . So who had started the Communion and then forgotten, illness, etc.. I had also left out one, must start from scratch.
3. Every first Friday of the month. The pious practice it can start in any month of the year.


IF, AFTER THE FACTS The first Friday with the appropriate provision, a fall IN MORTAL SIN, AND THEN SUDDENLY Morisse, How to store?
Jesus has promised, without exception, the grace of repentance end to all those who have done well in the Holy Communion on the first Friday of each month for nine consecutive months, then you must believe in the excessive mercy, Christ will give that a dying sinner, the grace to issue an act of contrition perfect before he died.
Of course not, indeed many would commit sacrilege, because approaching the Holy Sacraments, it is necessary have a firm resolve to leave sin. A bill is the fear of returning to offend God, and much malice and intent to continue to sin.

Great Facial Compilation

Pie ...


Tomorrow Friday, 1 October, will start the pious practice of the first nine Friday of each month. This practice has great spiritual value for people who comply with the true faith. The Sacred Heart of Jesus has given many promises to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that invariably, we are certain will be answered.
Below you will find the history of this beautiful practice and all the necessary explanations ... who felt in the heart of wanting to start (and complete) this beautiful engagement with the Lord must not do is go to confession, communion and pray a lot ...!
do it once a month ... No I think we can weigh that much ... because they remember the Lord always has time for us ... we are that we have always too little ... for him!
Then good way for those who already know you want to start this practice ... and good life to those who do not even read this post ...!

Yours, Anto;)

famous revelations in Paray le Monial, the Lord said to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque that knowledge and the love of her heart spread throughout the world as divine flame, to rekindle the love that languished in the hearts of many.
Once the Lord, showing the heart and complaining about the ingratitude of men, asked that repairs to attend Holy Communion, especially in the First Friday of every month.
Spirit of love and reparation , here is the soul of the Communion monthly : of love that seeks to reciprocate the ineffable love of the Divine Heart towards us; reparation for the coldness, ingratitude, contempt with which men repay much love.
Many souls embrace this practice of Holy Communion on the First Friday of the month due to the fact that among the promises that Jesus made to St. Margaret Mary, there is one with which he ensured the final penitence (the salvation of the soul) who for nine consecutive months in First Friday, had united with him in Holy Communion .
But it would be much better to take the Holy Communion on the first Friday of every month of our existence?
We all know that, along with groups of ardent souls who have realized the treasure hidden in Holy Communion weekly, and, better yet, on that day, there is a countless number of people rarely during the year or only at Easter, we remember that there is a bread of life, even for their souls, regardless of how many even feel the need to Easter of heavenly nourishment.
Holy Communion is a good monthly rate for participation of the divine mysteries . The advantage and taste that it portrays the soul, perhaps induce gently decrease the distance between a meeting and the other with the Divine Master, even up to the daily communion, as the ardent desire of the Lord and the Holy Church.
But this monthly meeting should be preceded, accompanied and followed by the sincerity of the provisions that the soul will come out really refreshed.
The surest sign of the fruit produced will be the finding of improvement progress of our conduct, that is, the greater the similarity of our heart to the Heart of Jesus, through loving and faithful observance of the Ten Commandments.
" Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life" (John 6:54).

LE PROMISES OF OUR LORD for devotees of his Sacred Heart

blessed Jesus, appearing in S. Margaret Mary Alacoque and showing his heart, shining like the sun in most splendid light, made the following promises to his devotees:
1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state
2. and I will cherish peace in their families
3. console them in all their troubles
4. I will be their secure refuge during life and at death
5. will pour abundant blessings on all their business
6. Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy
7. Tepid souls were keen
8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection
9. My blessing will rest on the houses where it will also set up and honored the image of My Heart
10. I will give to priests the grace of touching the most hardened hearts
11. Persons who propagate this devotion, will have their names written in My Heart and will not ever be erased.
12. To all those who, for nine consecutive months, communicate on the first Friday of every month, I promise the grace of final perseverance: they will not die in my disgrace, but receive the Holy Sacraments (if needed) and my Heart will be their safe refuge in that extreme moment .
Twelfth promise is called "great" because it reveals the divine mercy of the Sacred Heart to humanity.
These promises made by Jesus have been authenticated by the Church, so that every Christian may believe with certainty that the faithfulness of the Lord wants to save everyone, even the sinners.

to make themselves worthy of great promise and need:

1. to receive Communion. Communion should be done well, that is in the grace of God, so if you are in mortal sin, one must first confess.
2. For nine consecutive months . So who had started the Communion and then forgotten, illness, etc.. I had also left out one, must start from scratch.
3. Every first Friday of the month. The pious practice it can start in any month of the year.


IF, AFTER THE FACTS The first Friday with the appropriate provision, a fall IN MORTAL SIN, AND THEN SUDDENLY Morisse, How to store?
Jesus has promised, without exception, the grace of repentance end to all those who have done well in the Holy Communion on the first Friday of each month for nine consecutive months, then you must believe in the excessive mercy, Christ will give that a dying sinner, the grace to issue an act of contrition perfect before he died.
Of course not, indeed many would commit sacrilege, because approaching the Holy Sacraments, it is necessary have a firm resolve to leave sin. A bill is the fear of returning to offend God, and much malice and intent to continue to sin.

Orbit Remote Car Starter User Guide

white impressions of the [end] September

I take the phone, a new message.
Debora "Uh ludo you do?" I
"Nothing, I'm writing a story, I'm painting in photoshop."
Debora "ooh what are you painted?" I
"a cat girl"
Debora "Wow ! Does not & Why You paint a bat boy to ...?"
ok, so in three days I wrote a story, drawing a girl cat, a bat boy and studied English.

Orbit Remote Car Starter User Guide

white impressions of the [end] September

I take the phone, a new message.
Debora "Uh ludo you do?" I
"Nothing, I'm writing a story, I'm painting in photoshop."
Debora "ooh what are you painted?" I
"a cat girl"
Debora "Wow ! Does not & Why You paint a bat boy to ...?"
ok, so in three days I wrote a story, drawing a girl cat, a bat boy and studied English.

Breast Tenderness Pregnancy Vs Pms

Saints ... ...'s get to know these strangers ...!

THURSDAY 'September 30, 2010

liturgical color WHITE ^ 2 Week of the Psalter

Saint of the Day: St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Stridone (border between Dalmatia and Pannonia), ca. 347 - Bethlehem, 420

He studies encyclopedia, but led to asceticism, withdrew to the desert at Antioch, and live in penitence. Became a priest as long as you maintain its independence as Monaco, began an intense literary activity. In Rome he collaborated with Pope Damasus, and at his death, returned to Jerusalem where he participated in numerous controversies on faith, based not far from the Church of the Nativity, the monastery where he died. As a fiery character, especially in his writings, was a mystic and led to consensus or controversy, whipping vices and hypocrisies. Indefatigable writer, a great scholar and an excellent translator, to him we owe the Latin Vulgate Bible, which added some comments, still as important as the books of the Prophets.

Patronage: archaeologists, librarians, scholars

Etymology: = Jerome's sacred name, from the greek

Emblem: Cardinal's Hat , Leo

Martyrology: memory of St. Jerome, priest and doctor of the Church was born in Dalmatia, Croatia today, a man of literary culture, made in Rome and all the studies here was baptized, then kidnapped by the charm of a life of contemplation, he embraced the ascetic life, he went to East, he was ordained a priest. Back in Rome, he became secretary to Pope Damasus, and then settled in Bethlehem of Judah, he retired to monastic life. He was awarded the doctor to translate and explain the Scriptures and he was involved in a wonderful way to various needs of the Church. Finally come to old age, rested in peace.


From the "Prologue to the commentary of the prophet Isaiah by Saint Jerome, priest

(Nos. 1.2, 73.1-3 CCL)
Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ

fulfill my duty, in obedience to Christ's command : "Search the Scriptures" (John 5:39), and "Seek and ye shall find" (Matt. 7:7), not to feel like the Jews say: 'You are wrong, you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God "(Matt. 22:29). If, in fact, in the words of the Apostle Paul, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God, who does not know the Scriptures does not know the power of God nor his wisdom. Ignoring the Scriptures means ignoring Christ.
why I want to imitate the father, that his treasure what is new and old, and so is the Bride, who in the Song of Songs says: O my beloved I have kept for yourself the new and the old (see 7.14 Ct Vulgate).. Therefore I intend to expose the prophet Isaiah in order to present not only as a prophet but also as an evangelist and apostle. Indeed, he has also told him that the other evangelists say, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of good tidings, who proclaim peace" (Is 52,7). And God speaks to him as an Apostle, the question: Whom shall I send, and who will go to these people? And he answered: Here am I. Send me (cf. Is 6:8).
But nobody believes that I want to run out in a few words the subject of this book of Scripture that has all the mysteries of the Lord. Indeed in the book of Isaiah we find that the Lord is foretold as Emmanuel born of the Virgin, as the author of great miracles and signs, as dead and buried, risen from the dead and the savior of all peoples. I will say that his doctrine of physics, ethics and logic? Everything about the Scriptures, all that language can express, and understanding of mortals can understand, is enclosed in this volume. The depth of these mysteries gives testimony to the same author when he writes: "For you all vision will be like the words of a sealed book: it gives to one who can read, saying: "Read it. But he replied: I can not, because it is sealed. Or you give the book to those who can not read, saying, Read it, but those answers, I can read Noni "(Is 29.11 to 12).
(It is therefore of mysteries, as such, are closed and incomprehensible to the layman, but open and clear to the prophets. If, therefore, from the book of Isaiah to the Gentiles, who were unaware of the inspired books, you say: I can not read because I have not learned to read the texts of Scripture. The prophets, however, knew what they were saying and understand.) We read in St. Paul: "The inspirations the prophets are subject to prophets "(1 Cor 14.32), to be in their right to remain silent or speak according to the event.
The prophets, therefore, understood what they were saying, so all their words are full of wisdom and reason. To their ears came not only the vibrations of the voice, but the same word of God speaking within them. It says some of them with statements like: The angel spoke to me (cf. Zech 1:9), and (the Spirit) "in our hearts cry," Abba, Father "(Gal 4:6), and yet "hear what God the Lord" (Ps 84.9).

Responsor See 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Pro 28.7

R. All Scripture, inspired by God and profitable for teaching and training in righteousness. * The man of God will be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
V. who keeps the law is a wise son.
R. So the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


We praise you, God, you proclaim the Lord *
O eternal Father:
all the earth worships you.

A *
you sing the angels and all the powers of heaven
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of *

The heavens and the earth *
are full of your glory.
glorious band of apostles *
and white-robed army of martyrs;

unite the voices of the prophets praise you *
the holy Church proclaims your glory,
adore your only Son, Holy Spirit *

O Christ, King of glory,
eternal Son of the Father,
you were born of the Virgin Mother *
for the salvation of man.

Winner of death, *
you opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.
You are seated at the right hand of God, the Father's glory. * You will
to judge the world at the end of time.

o'er thy children, Lord,
you have redeemed with Your precious blood.

* Make them to your glory in the assembly of saints.

Save your people, Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Every day we bless you, *
praise your name forever.

Deign now, Lord,
to keep us without sin.
always be with us Thy mercy: *
we have hoped in you.

mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us
You are our hope, we will not be confused *

PRAYER O God, you gave to St. Jerome, priest and penetrating deep knowledge of Scripture, is' that your people is always nourished widely in your word, and find in it a source of life. Through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Breast Tenderness Pregnancy Vs Pms

Saints ... ...'s get to know these strangers ...!

THURSDAY 'September 30, 2010

liturgical color WHITE ^ 2 Week of the Psalter

Saint of the Day: St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Stridone (border between Dalmatia and Pannonia), ca. 347 - Bethlehem, 420

He studies encyclopedia, but led to asceticism, withdrew to the desert at Antioch, and live in penitence. Became a priest as long as you maintain its independence as Monaco, began an intense literary activity. In Rome he collaborated with Pope Damasus, and at his death, returned to Jerusalem where he participated in numerous controversies on faith, based not far from the Church of the Nativity, the monastery where he died. As a fiery character, especially in his writings, was a mystic and led to consensus or controversy, whipping vices and hypocrisies. Indefatigable writer, a great scholar and an excellent translator, to him we owe the Latin Vulgate Bible, which added some comments, still as important as the books of the Prophets.

Patronage: archaeologists, librarians, scholars

Etymology: = Jerome's sacred name, from the greek

Emblem: Cardinal's Hat , Leo

Martyrology: memory of St. Jerome, priest and doctor of the Church was born in Dalmatia, Croatia today, a man of literary culture, made in Rome and all the studies here was baptized, then kidnapped by the charm of a life of contemplation, he embraced the ascetic life, he went to East, he was ordained a priest. Back in Rome, he became secretary to Pope Damasus, and then settled in Bethlehem of Judah, he retired to monastic life. He was awarded the doctor to translate and explain the Scriptures and he was involved in a wonderful way to various needs of the Church. Finally come to old age, rested in peace.


From the "Prologue to the commentary of the prophet Isaiah by Saint Jerome, priest

(Nos. 1.2, 73.1-3 CCL)
Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ

fulfill my duty, in obedience to Christ's command : "Search the Scriptures" (John 5:39), and "Seek and ye shall find" (Matt. 7:7), not to feel like the Jews say: 'You are wrong, you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God "(Matt. 22:29). If, in fact, in the words of the Apostle Paul, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God, who does not know the Scriptures does not know the power of God nor his wisdom. Ignoring the Scriptures means ignoring Christ.
why I want to imitate the father, that his treasure what is new and old, and so is the Bride, who in the Song of Songs says: O my beloved I have kept for yourself the new and the old (see 7.14 Ct Vulgate).. Therefore I intend to expose the prophet Isaiah in order to present not only as a prophet but also as an evangelist and apostle. Indeed, he has also told him that the other evangelists say, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of good tidings, who proclaim peace" (Is 52,7). And God speaks to him as an Apostle, the question: Whom shall I send, and who will go to these people? And he answered: Here am I. Send me (cf. Is 6:8).
But nobody believes that I want to run out in a few words the subject of this book of Scripture that has all the mysteries of the Lord. Indeed in the book of Isaiah we find that the Lord is foretold as Emmanuel born of the Virgin, as the author of great miracles and signs, as dead and buried, risen from the dead and the savior of all peoples. I will say that his doctrine of physics, ethics and logic? Everything about the Scriptures, all that language can express, and understanding of mortals can understand, is enclosed in this volume. The depth of these mysteries gives testimony to the same author when he writes: "For you all vision will be like the words of a sealed book: it gives to one who can read, saying: "Read it. But he replied: I can not, because it is sealed. Or you give the book to those who can not read, saying, Read it, but those answers, I can read Noni "(Is 29.11 to 12).
(It is therefore of mysteries, as such, are closed and incomprehensible to the layman, but open and clear to the prophets. If, therefore, from the book of Isaiah to the Gentiles, who were unaware of the inspired books, you say: I can not read because I have not learned to read the texts of Scripture. The prophets, however, knew what they were saying and understand.) We read in St. Paul: "The inspirations the prophets are subject to prophets "(1 Cor 14.32), to be in their right to remain silent or speak according to the event.
The prophets, therefore, understood what they were saying, so all their words are full of wisdom and reason. To their ears came not only the vibrations of the voice, but the same word of God speaking within them. It says some of them with statements like: The angel spoke to me (cf. Zech 1:9), and (the Spirit) "in our hearts cry," Abba, Father "(Gal 4:6), and yet "hear what God the Lord" (Ps 84.9).

Responsor See 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Pro 28.7

R. All Scripture, inspired by God and profitable for teaching and training in righteousness. * The man of God will be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
V. who keeps the law is a wise son.
R. So the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


We praise you, God, you proclaim the Lord *
O eternal Father:
all the earth worships you.

A *
you sing the angels and all the powers of heaven
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of *

The heavens and the earth *
are full of your glory.
glorious band of apostles *
and white-robed army of martyrs;

unite the voices of the prophets praise you *
the holy Church proclaims your glory,
adore your only Son, Holy Spirit *

O Christ, King of glory,
eternal Son of the Father,
you were born of the Virgin Mother *
for the salvation of man.

Winner of death, *
you opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.
You are seated at the right hand of God, the Father's glory. * You will
to judge the world at the end of time.

o'er thy children, Lord,
you have redeemed with Your precious blood.

* Make them to your glory in the assembly of saints.

Save your people, Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Every day we bless you, *
praise your name forever.

Deign now, Lord,
to keep us without sin.
always be with us Thy mercy: *
we have hoped in you.

mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us
You are our hope, we will not be confused *

PRAYER O God, you gave to St. Jerome, priest and penetrating deep knowledge of Scripture, is' that your people is always nourished widely in your word, and find in it a source of life. Through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bushnell Sportsman 3-9x40 Rifle

Saints ... ...'s get to know these strangers ...!

WEDNESDAY 'September 29, 2010

liturgical color WHITE ; ; Liturgy of the Hours Own

Saint of the Day: Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael , Arcangeli

The Martyrology commemorates all the saints archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The Bible reminds them with specific missions: Michele opponent Satan, Gabriel and Raphael announcer rescuer.
Before the reform of 1969 is remembered on this day only St. Michael the Archangel in memory of the consecration of the famous sanctuary dedicated to him on Mount Gargano.
Michael (Who is like God?) Is the archangel who rises against Satan and his satellites (Jude 9, Rev. 12, 7, see Zech 13: 1-2), defender of the friends of God (Dn 10 13:21), pretettore of his people (Dan. 12, 1).
Gabriel (Strength of God) is one of the spirits who are before God (Lk 1, 19), Daniel reveals the secrets of God's plan (DN 8, 16, 9, 21-22), announces a Zachary the birth of John the Baptist (Lk 1, 11-20) that of Jesus and Mary (Luke 1: 26-38).
Raphael (God has healed), also among the seven angels who stand before the throne of God (TB 12, 15, see Ap 8, 2), and accompanies Tobias holds the vicissitudes of his journey and the healing the blind father.
The pilgrim Church on earth, especially in the Eucharistic liturgy, is associated with hosts of angels in the heavenly Jerusalem sing the glory of God (cf. Rev 5, 11-14; Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, "Sacrosanctum Concilium", 8).

Martyrology: Festival Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels. On the day of the dedication of the basilica dedicated to St. Michael ancient building in Rome in the sixth mile of the Via Salaria, we celebrate together the three archangels, of which the Bible reveals the special missions day and night they serve God, and contemplating his face , glorify him incessantly.


from the homilies on the Gospels by Saint Gregory the Great, pope

(Om . 34.8-9, PL 76.1250-1251)
The name "angel" means the office, not the nature

is to know that the term "angel" denotes the office, not nature. In fact, those holy spirits of the heavenly homeland are always spirits, but you can always call the angels, because only then are angels when they are given through an announcement. Those who are called angels bear the ordinary preacher, but those who preach the biggest events are called archangels.
why the Virgin Mary is not an angel sent any but the archangel Gabriel. It was fitting, in fact, that for this mission was sent an angel of the greatest, to bring the biggest of the announcements.
they are assigned to particular names, because the way it appears to call them what kind of ministry is entrusted to them. In the holy city of sky, made perfect by the full knowledge that springs from the vision of almighty God, the angels have no particular names, which distinguish their people. But when they come to us for a mission, are also called the office to carry out.
So Michael means "Who is like God?, Gabriele: Fortress of God, and Raphael: God's Medicine
When something must be accomplished that requires great courage and strength, it is said that Michael is sent, so that we can understand, from the action and name, which nobody can act like God
The old opponent who longed, in his pride, to be like God, saying, I will climb up into heaven (cf. Isaiah 14.13 to 14), the stars of God exalt his throne, I will be equal to the Most High, at the end of the world will be left to his own torture and sentenced to the extreme . Yet he is brought in place to fight with the archangel Michael, as told by John: "a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels comba ed the dragon" (Revelation 12:7).
Gabriel is sent to Mary, who is called the Fortress of God, he was to announce who will deign to show humility to eradicate the evil powers of the air. He must therefore be heralded by 'Fortress of God "who came as Lord of Hosts and strong warrior.
Raffaele, as we have said, means medicine of God, who touched the eyes of Tobias, almost in place of doctors, and dispelled the darkness of his blindness. It was right then that was called "Medicine of God" who was sent to heal.

Responsor See Ap 8,3.4; Dn 7.10

R. An angel appeared beside the altar of the temple, carrying a golden censer. He was given much incense, * and from the hand of the smoke of the incense rising to God
V. thousand thousands served him and ten thousand myriads attended him;
R. and from the hand of the smoke of the incense rising to God


O God, you call the angels and men to cooperate with your plan of salvation, grant us, pilgrims on earth, the protection of the blessed spirits in heaven to stand before you to serve you and contemplate the glory of your face. For our Lord.