Sunday, September 5, 2010

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Sunday, September 5, 2010
^ XXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C ) ; 3rd week of the Psalter
Liturgical Color: Green

(Agnes Gonxha Bojaxiu)
Skopje, Macedonia, August 26, 1910 - Calcutta, Sept. 5 1997

At 18 he decided to enter the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto. Playing for Ireland in 1928, a year later in India. In 1931, young Agnes gives her first vows again taking the name Sister Mary Teresa of the Infant Jesus (chosen for its devotion to the saint of Lisieux), and for nearly twenty years teaching history and geography to the girls of good family in the college of Sisters of Loreto Entally, east of Calcutta. On 10 September 1946, while he was in the direct train to Darjeeling for a retreat, he felt the "second call" means she must leave the convent for the poorest of the poor. She left the Sisters of Loreto August 16, 1948. In 1950 his new congregation of the Missionaries of Charity, gained recognition by the Church.

Martyrology: in India in Calcutta, Blessed Teresa (Agnes) Gonhxa Bojaxhiu, a virgin, who was born in Albania, died of thirst on the cross with Christ abandoned his immense charity to those who are poor and founded the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity and the full service of the sick and the disadvantaged.


First reading
Sap from 9.13 to 18
Who can imagine what the Lord wants?

Responsorial Psalm
Ps 89
Lord, You have been our refuge from generation to generation.

Second reading
flm 1,9-10.12-17
Receive the Spirit, not as slaves but as a beloved brother.

Luke 14.25-33
who does not renounce all his possessions, can not be my disciple.

+ From the Gospel according to Luke

At that time, a large crowd was with Jesus He turned and said to them, " If anyone comes to me and does not love me more than he loves his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters and even his own life, can not be my disciple.
Whoever does not bear his cross and come after me, can not be my disciple.
which of you wants to build a tower without first sitting down to count the cost and see if he has the means to carry it out? To avoid that, if the foundation and are not able to finish the job, all who see it begin to mock him, saying: "This man began to build, but was not able to finish the job."
Or what king, in war against another king without first sitting down to examine whether it is able with ten thousand men whom he is meeting with twenty thousand? If not, while the other is still far away, he sends messengers to ask for peace.
So whoever of you does not renounce all his possessions can not be my disciple. "

Word of the Lord.

REFLECTION (Father Hermes Ronchi)

Carry reflection held yesterday afternoon in the book "In His Image" on Rai 1 by Father Herman Ronchi. I had written the exact same things that he said yesterday, but perhaps his words are more successful in you into the sense of the word today. Meditation Good! ;)

Happiness that only Jesus can give

"If anyone comes to me, and I love more than he loves his father, his mother, his wife, his children ...». The words of Jesus burn, they are difficult, even dangerous if misunderstood, but to understand them in depth are beautiful. They look like a crucifixion and a resurrection of the heart. Break the shell to find the pearl.
The center of these sentences is not in a series of "no" to those strong and beautiful things of life, but in a "yes" Auna said best thing yet, and that God alone has no else can give. The emphasis is not on the waiver of the sentences, but on winning. It is as if Jesus were to say: you know how good it feels to love a father, mother, wife or husband, children, what is good, what makes us live. I offer you an even greater good and beautiful, that does not mean anything, it adds strength, joy and depth.
Jesus says: I can give you more than all the affections of the family ... They look like the words of one out of the reality of a fanatic: "I have something better looking of the best experiences you can do on earth, I alone can make you find happiness. I alone. " None ever said "I" with this power and with this claim. "He who does not bear his cross and come after me, can not be my disciple": "lead" is more than 'bear', 'cross' is not a metaphor for all the hardships, difficulties and sufferings of life, that word contains the vertex and the summary of the story of Jesus' Bring your own cross "is a strong expression that is not reduced to a call for resignation, but basically discounted rate. It is an active choice: Choose for yourself a life that resembles Jesus thinks his thoughts, repeat their choices, those who prefer he preferred, live a life like hers, who knew how to love anyone. Get on you your portion of love would not live, take a portion of any pain that love entails, otherwise you do not love. So we understand that the Christian is the son of a subtraction, but an addition, that Christ is human enhancement, which name it is equivalent to increasing the life.
At the center of everything is an Absolute who offers his view on life and death, which gives eternity to everything more beautiful in his heart. That does not mean love, he adds. The disciple is one who loves the light of his lies a greater light. And his "faith becomes an infinite passion for existence" (Kierkegaard).
This Jesus does not love him if you do not know, but if you get to know him would not let him.


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