Monday, October 4, 2010

Abreva For Cold Sores

Saints ... ...'s get to know these strangers ...! Reflections on Sunday readings

MONDAY 'October 4, 2010

liturgical color WHITE                            Liturgia delle Ore Propria

Saint of the Day: SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI, Patron of Italy
Assisi, 1182 - Assisi, on the evening of October 3, 1226

from a carefree youth and worldly life, after using the mercy lepers (Testament), converted to the Gospel and lived with extreme consistency, in poverty and joy, following Christ humble, poor and chaste, in the spirit of the Beatitudes. Together with the first brothers who followed him, attracted by the force of his example, preached to all the lands the Lord's love, contributing to the renewal of the Church. In love with Christ, centered in contemplation of the Nativity and Calvary his spiritual experience. He carried in his body the marks of the Passion. Him as the greatest mystics is reinstated in harmony with the cosmos, of which there was an interpreter in the Canticle of the Creatures. It was inspiring and the father of religious families of men and women who take their name from him. Pius XII proclaimed him patron saint of Italy June 18, 1939. (Aug. Roma)

Patronage: Italy, Ecologists, Animals, Birds, Dealers, Cubs / Cochin. AGESCI

Etymology: Francis = free from the old German

Emblem: Wolf, Bird

Martyrology: memory of St. Francis, who, after a carefree youth, at Assisi in Umbria was converted to an evangelical life to serve Jesus Christ whom he had met particularly in the poor and disenfranchised, making himself poor. Joined him in the community, the Friars Minor. In all, itinerancy, he preached the love of God, even in the Holy Land, seeking in his words into actions as the perfect follow Christ, and wanted to die on the bare ground.


From the 'Letter to the faithful by Saint Francis of Assisi

(Pamphlets, ed. Quaracchi 1949.87-94) We must be
simple, humble and pure

Father did announce its highest archangel Gabriel to the holy and glorious Virgin Mary that the Word of God, so worthy, so holy and glorious, would come down from heaven, and her breasts would get the real meat of our humanity and frailty. He, being very rich, but would choose for himself and for his most holy Mother, the poverty.
approached, his passion he celebrated the Passover with his disciples. Then he prayed to the Father saying, "My Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me" (Matt. 26:39).
Pose yet his will in the will of the Father. And the Father's will was that his blessed and glorious Son, given to us is born for us, offered himself in his own blood as a sacrifice and victim on the altar of the cross. It is not offered for himself, because he did not need him, he had created all things. He offered instead for our sins, leaving us an example, that were to follow in his footsteps (cf. 1 Pt 2:21). And the Father wants us all to be saved through him and receive him with pure heart and chaste body.
Or as happy and blessed are those who love the Lord and obey his Gospel! You said, 'Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and your neighbor as yourself "(Luke 10:27), then we love God and adore Him with a pure heart and pure mind, because he above all things, this research when he says, "True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth" (Jn 4:23). So all those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. Turn to him day and night praise and prayer, that we should always pray and never tire (cf. Lk 18:1), and tell: "Our Father, who art in heaven" (Mt 6:9). We also
"fruits worthy of repentance" (Mt 3:8) and we love our neighbor as ourselves. We are compassionate, we humble alms because they do wash our souls from the filth of sin.
men lose everything left in this world. They bring with them only the reward of charity and alms which they did. It is the Lord who gives them the reward and the reward.
We must be wise and prudent according to the flesh, but rather simple, humble and chaste.
We never want to be above the others, but rather servants and subject to every human creature for God's sake. And all those who have done such things and persevered to the end, will rest the spirit of the Lord. He will put them in his home and housing. Heavenly Father's children will be because it works they do. Will be considered as they were to the Lord or wife or brother or mother.

Responsor Mt 5,3.5.6

R. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven! * Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth!
V. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled
R. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth!


We praise you, God, you proclaim the Lord *
O eternal Father:
all the earth worships you.

A *
you sing the angels and all the powers of heaven
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of *

The heavens and the earth *
are full of your glory.
glorious band of apostles and
* white-robed army of martyrs;

unite the voices of the prophets praise you *
the holy Church proclaims your glory,
adore your only Son, *
Holy Spirit Paraclete.

O Christ, King of glory,
eternal Son of the Father,
you were born of the Virgin Mother *
for the salvation of man.

Winner of death, *
you opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.
You are seated at the right hand of God, the Father's glory. * You will
to judge the world at the end of time.

o'er thy children, Lord,
you have redeemed with Your precious blood.

* Make them to your glory in the assembly of saints.

Save your people, Lord,
guide and protect your children.
Every day we bless you, *
praise your name forever.

Deign now, Lord,
to keep us without sin.
always be with us Thy mercy: *
we have hoped in you.

mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us
You are our hope, we will not be confused *

PRAYER O God, in St. Francis of Assisi, poor and humble, you have given to your Church a living image of Christ, grant us to follow your Son in the way of the Gospel and to join you in love and joy. For our Lord.

C. bless the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God



is the praise of the virtues typically Franciscan. Is cited its title and also in the beginning Second Life of Thomas of Celano (CXLI ch. 189), who writes: "The Holy personally practiced with great care and loved in the other holy simplicity, daughter of grace, the true sister of the wisdom, the mother of justice . Not that I approve of any kind of simplicity, but only that which, content with his God, despises all the rest ... And 'this simplicity that the Father demanded the monks and scholars in those without culture, because they considered it contrary to wisdom, but rightly, his sister Germany ... "It is not possible to date its composition, but is inclined to fix it after their stay East of Francis, for the concept typically Eastern man's submission to all creatures.

O Queen Wisdom,
the Lord save thee with thy sister,
the pure and holy simplicity.
Lady Holy Poverty,
the Lord save thee with thy sister,
Holy Humility.
Lady Holy Charity
the Lord save thee with thy sister
Holy Obedience.
Blessed all virtues,
the Lord save you,
from which to proceed and come.
There is hardly a man in the world
which may have itself one of you
unless it dies.
Who has a
and the other does not offend, has all
and who offends a
has none and offends all;
each and confuses vices and sins.
Holy Wisdom confounds Satan
all its pitfalls.
The pure and holy Simplicity
confuses all wisdom of this world
and the wisdom of the flesh
Holy Poverty confounds cupidity and avarice all
and concerns of this world.
Holy Humility confounds pride
and all people of this world
and all things of this world.
Holy Charity confounds all the diabolic
and worldly temptations
and all human fears.
Holy Obedience
confuses all corporal and carnal desire
and keeps his mortified body,
in obedience to the spirit
and in obedience to his brother,
and makes man subject
to all men of this world
and not only to men,
but also to animals, fairs,
so they can do he
what they want because they will
permission from the Lord.


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